Our Services

Manual therapy
Manual therapy can be defined as: ‘the use of skilled hand-movements on the body to improve tissue extensibility, joint range of motion (ROM), reduce pain, swelling and inflammation and promote relaxation’. Manual therapy techniques include: joint mobilisations and distractions (passive, oscillatory or sustained stretch movements performed within the available joint range, primarily to reduce pain and improve ROM), passive range of motion exercises, massage, myofascial release techniques and stretching..

Neurological Conditions
Therapy targeted at re-establishing neural pathways involved with specific balance, proprioception (awareness of body in space) and co-ordination training. This therapy also assists in pain management and the prevention of secondary complications. The ultimate goal of the above therapies is the return to independent function after an insult to the neurological system.

Laser therapy
Laser therapy uses specific, collimated wavelengths of red light to stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal on a cellular level. Effects include: improved healing time, improved quality of healing, improved rate of nerve regeneration, pain reduction, increased circulation and decreased swelling.

Electrical muscle/nerve stimulation therapy
TENS/EMS - Electrical muscle/nerve stimulation therapy: The application of electrical current through the skin (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) via a small machine, is used primarily to manage pain and treat muscle spasms, often immediately post-operatively. Your pet may feel a slight tingling sensation when it is applied, but it is not painful. The machine also has an EMS function, which stimulates muscle contractions, therefore helping to slow muscle atrophy and improving circulation.

Therapeutic Exercise therapy
The use of specialized physiotherapy equipment is utilized when developing an exercise program best suited to the needs of your individual pet depending on his specific injury or surgery. These exercises form an integral part of the physiotherapy process and each one is performed with a specific goal in mind.

Kinesiology taping therapy
Kinesiotape is a rehabilitative, cotton tape especially formulated to have positive effects on the body when applied by a practiced clinician. It decreases inflammation, improves lymph drainage and increases proprioception and muscle activation by stimulating receptors in the skin. It encourages awareness of an area and is especially helpful when dealing with neurological patients or patients with excessive joint motion.